In the same vein as yesterday's post I thought this would interest to the forum. It is a philatelic cover sent from Operation Solace, the Australian contribution to UNITAF in Somalia. They were stationed around Baidoa and unlike some other contributors seemed to get on quite well with the locals. They were there from 19 January, 1993 to 21 May, 1993. Unfortunately not as spectacular as the Namibian cover, but still interesting.
Whilst I do not have any covers from UNITAF I do hold the following information on the Australian involvement:
[center]Operation SOLACE[/center]
On 24 December 1992 'A' Company, 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (1 RAR) left Townsville, Queensland, aboard HMAS Jervis Bay bound for Somalia, as part of the first Australian battalion group deployed operationally since the closing days of Australian involvement in the Vietnam War in 1971. Australian involvement in the US-led humanitarian effort in Somalia as part of UNITAF involved all three armed services and went under the name of Operation SOLACE. The 1 RAR Battalion Group (Bn Gp) comprised infantry, armour and other arms and services and consisted of some 930 personnel drawn mainly from the Townsville based 3rd Brigade. It comprised 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), a reduced B Squadron 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment, a Field Engineer Troop from 3rd Combat Engineer Regiment and supporting elements from 3 Brigade including medical, Military Police and Intelligence units.
The Australian operation involved the deployment of a battalion group of some 900 personnel, the majority from 1 RAR. The Bn Gp deployed to Baidoa for a period of some four months; their mission was to provide a secure environment for the distribution of humanitarian aid within the Humanitarian Relief Sector (HRS) at Baidoa, a total area of some 17,000 square kilometres. The Commanding Officer 1 RAR Bn Gp took command of HRS Baidoa on 19 January 1993 from 3/9 Bn USMC. The 1 RAR battalion group left Somalia on 21 May 1993.
The Australians used AFPO 3 whilst in Somalia.
British involvement in UNITAF was restricted to RAF humanitarian flights under Op VIGOUR. Two C-130 Hercules C.1 aircraft were allocated with four aircrews, together with necessary support staff - a total of 90 personnel. The first of the two Hercules aircraft departed from RAF Lyneham, Wiltshire on 9 December 1992, and three days they were settled in at Mombasa and fully integrated into the US co-ordination cell and flying relief supplies into Somalia. The aircraft, aircrews and ground staff came from the Lyneham Transport Wing (comprising Nos 24, 30, 47 and 70 Squadrons RAF) and the Lyneham based UK Mobile Air Movements Squadron RAF (UKMAMS). They were supported by elements from the Tactical Communications Wing from RAF Brize Norton, HQ Provost & Security Services from RAF Rudloe Manor, Joint Air Transport Establishment (JATE) from RAF Brize Norton, HQ Strike Command, RAF Cosford and RAF Honington. The British Government announced that the RAF would cease flying operations into Somalia with effect from 28 February 1993 and that all personnel would return to the UK soon after.