The 8 barred handstamp suggests that this OAS cover was sent from a Naval base. It looks as if the two line CENSORED LETTER was applied by the censor, but I've never seen "censored" used as an adjective before.
Any thoughts?
Hi Jim
The two line CENSORED / LETTER is not a common censor mark. Gould in the first edition has only one recorded (4E5), from HMS Warspite, it is not yours, his letters are less chunky. I'll check my covers later. The cover is likely to have originated from a ship, with the cancel applied at a base post office.
The eight barred cancel is certainly naval, and was issued by the Post Office (2/6d each) for the use of postmasters handling naval mail. There are variations, yours is the common one, and very difficult to pin down place of use unless there is much more detail on the cover (or letter if enclosed)
Hi Jim
Attached is a scan of one of my Warspite covers. It's certainly similar to yours.
Measure your mark, if it comes out as 35mm x 11mm overall then it is very likelyfrom Warspite as these are the dimensions given in Goulds handbook.
None of my covers are to your addressee.
Hi Tony.
I make it 37 x 12 so even making an allowance for the wonky 'D' it is different.
Many thanks for your interest.
If it is Warspite, Frank is your man! He has more material from the ship than anyone
Thanks Alan
I stayed out of it because Tony had given the answer
I have 17 items with this mark in my Warspite collection
I attach an example which shows one of the other three WWI censor marks known used on Warspite
My question is, why would a letter from a senior officer (Fleet Surgeon) be censored twice