Afternoon Team
I've been sent the query shown below and any assistance will be appreciated.
German force Mail sent by a member of the German contingent via SMS Breslau No. 69
The British Royal Navy set up and ran a heliographic station in Shkodër during the first International Occupation, May 1913 ?
Real photo postcard showing the heliographic station at Shkodër. The original owner claims that it was set up and run by the British Royal Navy. There is only one British sailor. He is the one standing in the middle with his hands on his hips. I believe the three with the straw hats to his left are Italians. I think the ones in the white jackets are Austrian and the two standing on the right and the two lying down are German. This card was sent through MSP 69 but as field post with the 'Briefstempel' of the SMS Breslau. All other mail items seen from the German detachment were paid for at the regular inland postcard rate of 5 Pfennig. This is the first free frank so far seen.
Scans attached.
Second scan