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General Category => Members Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Chris Grimshaw on October 25, 2021, 03:58:52 PM

Title: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Chris Grimshaw on October 25, 2021, 03:58:52 PM
Afternoon Team

Any assistance on this card attached pleased,  I cannot work out what language it's written in for starters.  Presume the Russian cancel is Murmansk.

Card is a view of H.M.S. CZARITZA which was a 'hired' transport by this time.


Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Alan Baker on October 25, 2021, 04:05:30 PM
Looks like French to me
Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Chris Grimshaw on October 25, 2021, 04:07:42 PM
Thanks Alan

Could be right, still cannot read it though.

Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Alan Baker on October 25, 2021, 04:16:45 PM
Are the frankings Lerwick?
Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Alan Baker on October 25, 2021, 04:21:34 PM
Friday, 22 VIII
We find ourselves at Lerwick where our boat is taking ..... Everything is well ....... ....have no sickness? ....

Best I can do
Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Michael Dobbs on October 25, 2021, 06:10:20 PM
All I can help with is the UK postal marking - LERWICK on 23 AU 19 which ties in with when it was written (22 VIII).

Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Peter Harvey on October 25, 2021, 07:43:32 PM
The Russian datestamp is АРХНГЕЛЬСК which I think is correct for Archangel

Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Chris Grimshaw on October 26, 2021, 11:05:28 AM
Thanks everyone. 

Can confirm it is ARCHANGEL

Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Neil Williams on October 26, 2021, 05:28:59 PM

further translation.... our ship is taking on coal.

The closing sentence is 'Tomorrow we continue our journey'

at the moment I'm stuck on the phrase between 'All goes well ..... there is no (sea)sickness'

back to the dictionary and watch this space (or not!)

Neil W
Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Sozont Singh on October 27, 2021, 07:35:54 AM
Chris, hello!

Yes, it is "Arkhangelsk" - Архангельск.
Below is the address in Russian and maybe the addressee's name or some other comment (did not fit into the photo).
Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Sozont Singh on October 27, 2021, 07:39:56 AM
Placed the beginning: "Sobornaya ulitsa" -  Sobornaya street.
This is one of the streets of Arkhangelsk (before the Bolsheviks, who renamed it to Karl Liebknecht's street).

I think that the addressee lived here.

Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Chris Grimshaw on October 27, 2021, 01:34:54 PM
Thanks All

I'll re-post the card without cropping.

Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Howard Weinert on October 27, 2021, 02:36:37 PM
The Czaritza was one of several transports that carried troops to and from Arkhangelsk.
The sender of this card was probably one of the French soldiers who took part in the Allied intervention.
Title: Re: Incoming Mail into North Russia 1919
Post by: Chris Grimshaw on October 27, 2021, 03:05:10 PM
Thanks Howard

Wondered if that was the case.
