Morning Team
Slim chance I know,
The Argyll Etkin Auction No 43, 1st March 2019 A. Kennedy Collection – Lots 682 & 683 comprised North Russian Intervention material.
As part of my study of this campaign I'm attempting to record what material has survived.
Neither of these two lots were illustrated, the first lot contained two items where full details are given. The second lot (683) listed the 8 items but without dates of usage. Office of use and Censor details are given that's all.
One Does anyone know where this material is now.
Two When members of the Society were sorting the material were details taken of this material, i.e dates of use or even scans?
Cheers Chris
We would not have had the time to sort out the material at Alastair's house, or the room, or the facilities to do this. Patrick Frost took most of the better items directly from the flat, so this would not have been handled again by any of the Society members.
Sorry. Your best bet here is to try and find out who purchased the lot.
Thanks Peter
Will contact Patrick.
I didn't see any of this material in the piles I went through
Thanks Alan
I've since been in touch with Argyll Etkin who have supplied scans of the material which they'd made.
Interesting that neither Alistair or the George Crabb collection auctioned back in 2000 contained any mail from the Canadian Contingent in North Russia.