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Messages - Chris Weddell


        Thank you for your help.

I can now get to locating and writing my covers and cards up.

Does anybody know what the Royal Engineers Mobil Display Tour Programme for 1964 was?



        The only thing i can help with is the use of the US stamp. I see the cover was sent air mail. The official rate of US airmail for members of the US military was six cents. Being Canadian could they somehow be attached to US forces and used their air mail service while still using Commonwealth FPO's and censor marks????

Members Discussion Forum / Re: WWI rank identification
December 09, 2020, 07:47:06 AM

        I would say Acting Commander.


          Are these Polish Forces in Egypt and Palestine Field Post Office Numbers?
Members Discussion Forum / One for Mike, I think?
October 06, 2020, 10:04:09 PM
I have been going some items from AK's martial. I found what I think may be a proofing sheet. Can anyone give me any information about these FPO'S or anything else?


Sorry Chris,

                My 60th Division items are from Palestine.

Members Discussion Forum / Re: FPO D 47 1916
August 28, 2020, 09:25:45 PM

        Will have a look for you.


Members Discussion Forum / Re: An email enquiry.
August 25, 2020, 04:31:01 PM
Nick and Ross,

                    Thank you both for you help on this. It is not my area. I will email the person who sent me the question. I will also see if he can send me scans of the cover.

                                                        Chris S-W

Members Discussion Forum / An email enquiry.
August 20, 2020, 09:24:42 PM
I had a email enquiry about a cover from Hong Kong to England via the USA.

The cover is civil mail posted from Hong Kong in August 1941 posted to England via New York. The 2nd part of the question was answered by me as the cover went from New York to England via air mail.

The first part of the journey of the cover which was posted from Hong to the US up until May 1941 would have been by the Horseshoe airmail route then flown onto the US by PAA. In May the Horseshoe route was closed so the mail would have gone by ship from Hong Kong to the USA. Which Wartime shipping route would it have taken.

Any help with this would be good.

                                                                Chris S-W.
My cover and letter of the day I forgot I had hiding inside some notes on my desk!!

I brought this online in a small lot of covers and this was not in the scan. This letter was posted from HMS GOLIATH which at this time was serving with the Royal Navy China Station at Weihaiwei. Weihaiwei was a British Treaty Port in China and also the Summer anchorage of the Royal Navy's China Station.

The cover was posted from Weihaiwei on the 21st September 1902. The cover bears a Russian adhesive with the China overprint and a Russian postmark for the 27th of September 1902.

The cover arrived in Scotland on the 22nd of October 1902. Does anyone know why this cover went though the Russian Post Offices in China, what the post mark say's or the route.

The letter is quiet interesting as this young officer went traveling in certain parts of China and Hong Kong during his leave 

            Thank you for this. This is not normally what I collect but it may be an area I will look into!!
This is my postcard and also query of the day.

This card interests me due to I think it is of Austrian POW's in a Russian POW camp. Can anyone help with the Russian censor marks. The Austrian censor mark I associate with POW mail.   
Hello Chris,

                I will do a little more research and post locations etc here.


Both ships were in theatre at the time.