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Messages - Peter Grimley

Members Discussion Forum / Re: Registration Label
October 23, 2014, 07:00:09 PM
last weekend at the Solihull Stamp Society show i saw a Felixtowe 6 registration label on a 1951 Philatelic Congress envelope - i have to say that the fonts and number 6 were different to the ones i have so i still believe that these i have are raf but earlier - can anyone else add to the debate - also if anyone has any raf station registration labels on cover that they would like to sell, please email me -
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Registration Label
July 23, 2014, 06:06:39 PM
hi mike -

thanks for the reply - there is a Felixtowe 8 listed so i find it hard to believe that Felixtowe Post Office issued a Number 6 for a Philatelic Conference lasting just 3 days - Unless it was an old disused RAF label they had a few of knocking about - only speculation on my part, but i must have 30+ Felixtowe 6 reg labels, and mail from the Congress presently available on the web does not show one reg label, as you discovered - i have now emailed the sec of ipswich philatelic society to see if he can throw any light on the subject so watch this space......................................
Members Discussion Forum / Registration Label
July 21, 2014, 05:07:23 PM
I have a Registration Label Felixtowe 6, not on cover - The only information I can find is that it was for 33rd Phil. Eng. GB, whatever that means - Could this be an army,RAF or Navy designation as all three were in and around the Felixtowe area in the 40's - It was in a lot of RAF reg labels I recently acquired so I am hoping that it has RAF connotations and that someone can let me know
Members Discussion Forum / RAF Registration Labels
July 07, 2014, 05:28:21 PM
Hi - I am a new member who collects RAF and RNAS Registration Labels. I and would like any member with surplus /spare labels to email me with a scan and a price. Also if any member wishes to sell his collection I would be very interested. That said I also acquired a collection recently with a lot of duplicates so we may be able to swop, or contact me with a list if buying and I will see what I can do. For cheapness I am happy to just collect the label although I will purchase on cover. I might as well mention here that I also collect Registration labels from the Isle of Man ( on cover ) Channel Islands, GB and World Airports, Hong Kong, Singapore and UAE, all off cover.
My other reason for this post is that I am hoping to add to the excellent RAF etc Postal Markings book by Bill Garrard. My research is concerning Registration Labels that did not have RAF or RAFPO printed on the label. Examples from Bill's book are Bridgnorth 3 which was RAF Bridgnorth and Emsworth 3 which was RAF Thorney Island, although for some period both these stations also had RAFPO labels. I have started to research this subject and hope to present my findings to FPHS at a later date. So Gentlemen, and Ladies, could I ask you to dig out all your RAF Covers as I must have proof of the label name on cover with an raf cancel. If anyone does have list/s or information that can be confirmed please contact me.
It might be better for scans to contact me directly through my email at grimleyhouse@btinternet.com

Thanking you all in anticipation  -  Peter Grimley