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Messages - Sozont Singh

Members Discussion Forum / Re: Naval doctors-censors
April 27, 2023, 04:18:39 PM
Hello Nick!
Thanks for the answer!
Yes, at least some points have cleared up.
Yes, I also saw examples of censor-doctors in the Dr.Gould's book, but it would be interesting to look at whole cover. I have a fragment of an envelope in my collection (it seems to me that it is generally barbaric to cut out a piece and throw the rest away, I like to collect whole postal items). According to the Dr.Gould, this is a doctor from the HMS Minotaur. I bought it quite cheaply and therefore I thought, suddenly someone in the collection has something similar.
Members Discussion Forum / Naval doctors-censors
April 23, 2023, 11:12:12 PM
Hello everyone!

I have a number of questions. I would be very happy if someone can answer them.
I met information that, along with officers and chaplains, ship's doctors could carry out censorship in the Royal Navy.

1. Have anyone examples of World War I or earlier covers that were censored by the ship's doctors?
2. Is it known when the ship's doctors first began to engage in censorship? During the First World War or somewhere before?
3. Can everyone tell me about the terminology. In Russian, for example, we simply say "the ship's doctor". In English-language materials, as I understand it, a stable expression is a naval surgeon. In this context, are ship's doctor and ship's surgeon synonymous? Or were surgeons sent to the Royal Navy in the truest sense of the word?
4.Maybe someone has a good photograph showing how someone, such as a naval officer, a chaplain or a doctor, is performing censorship (for example, sitting at a table with a bunch of letters). I would like to use it along with cover examples, as an illustration during a lecture (I want to tell students at the university about censorship, censorship stamps, philately, etc.).

I will be glad for any information.
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Modern censorship?
November 23, 2022, 08:14:33 PM
In a few days, new rules including on interaction with foreigners will come into force. It is not yet clear how they will be applied. Perhaps this is just the start. This is all due to the tightening of military measures. And it seems that they only work on military topics.
But I recently published an article in a British journal and my fellow scientists advised me not to talk about it anywhere, as they are already afraid that I might fall under some suspicion.
Maybe I won't be able to post here anymore. If this happens, then I sincerely thank everyone for the communication, advice, opinions, comments on various topics. I liked participating in zoom meetings. I am honored to be a member of our society.

But let's hope for the best.

Members Discussion Forum / Re: Modern censorship?
November 23, 2022, 08:07:05 PM
Chris, hello!
No, I mean, I think that it could have been opened in the UK (including accidentally mechanically, as already suggested by one of the commenters on this topic), and then sealed in Russia. After all, the letter from Holland came intact .. If there were censorship, then it would be opened. I specifically asked Holland friend to pack the card inside as much as possible so that it looks more voluminous and would cause interest. The letters arrived on the same day.

Answering the second part of your message, I note that in my opinion 1914(or 1917) is getting closer.But this is a completely different topic that will not meet the rules.
In any way, it is very interesting to understand where the letters are still opened. I hope we find out in time.

Best wishes,
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Modern censorship?
November 23, 2022, 09:35:19 AM
Hello everyone!
In continuation of the topic.
Just received 2 letters. One from my friend from England. it was opened, like all the previous ones, but sealed with a special Russian mail tape. Another from Holland. it was not opened. And therefore I think that, probably, openings take place in England. Now I am sending a letter to England. Let's see how it will come.

Members Discussion Forum / Re: Modern censorship?
October 14, 2022, 03:02:16 PM
Hello to all!
I received two letters from Britain and again the same thing. In the end, I decided to do an experiment. I asked a friend from Holland to send me a letter. Let's see if it comes whole or not. If integer, then it will be possible to consider that this is a British machine error. If it is opened, then it will be possible to suspect censorship.

Members Discussion Forum / Re: Help Please
October 02, 2022, 08:54:37 AM
Peter, hi!

I'm glad my little translation helped you!
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Help Please
September 04, 2022, 10:35:01 PM
On the other side is the following text:
December 20, 1915
Brother Dimo (this is a variant named Dmitry)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I wish you health and (the word is not clear).
Give my regards and congratulations to (further indicated to whom).
Then he asks for something. At the end, probably, some wishes and a signature. These two sentences are not clear to me at all, unfortunately. I have never read Bulgarian before.
At the university, we studied the old Slavic language, which is the basis for the later Slavic languages, so in general I can understand, but I don't understand here anymore.
I hope I could help at least a little :-)
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Help Please
September 04, 2022, 10:29:03 PM
The card itself says a military postcard. At the bottom, an indication that if any military secret is contained, then it must be destroyed.
Stamp, as far as I can understand, the Bulgarian Danube division.
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Help Please
September 04, 2022, 10:20:10 PM
Peter, hi!
It is one of the Slavic languages (I believe Bulgarian). I will try to roughly translate. The sender is "rotmistr", which can be roughly translated as a captain, his surname and the word is not clear and he is in 5th division. He sends a letter to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, on San Stefano street. Now I'll try to parse the main text.
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Modern censorship?
August 27, 2022, 03:20:14 PM
Prior to the well-known events, I receivedinternational mail (primarily from UK, the USA and Germany). As I said, there was never any damage (the only time I described in the last letter and it was not an envelope, but a box). But after February I received only 3 letters from Britain and all of them were damaged. Of course, this is still not enough to draw conclusions.
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Modern censorship?
August 27, 2022, 11:50:49 AM
Chris, Tony, Mike, Nick hello!
Thanks for your opinions!
There are no additional marks on the letters.
There is no Russian cancellation. There is only a round seal of Vnukovo airport and the seal of my post office.
I have never received such letters, not in domestic or international mail.
There was only one case (a year ago or maybe more) when I received an international small parcel in a cardboard box. It was torn in one of the places. This place was sealed with tape with the logo of the Russian Post. I received the parcel at the post office and there I had to sign on a special form that I was familiar with the information that the damage occurred during the postal shipment.
Prior to these events, I asked the oldest postal clerk in our post office if he was interested in philately. He said he wasn't and he didn't know anyone who was interested. So it is unlikely that any of the postmen would be interested in the stamps on the letter (although they are really very good) or in its content.
Letters arrive in the mailbox. If it were another time now, I would go to the post office and try to find out. But at the moment, for obvious reasons, I would not like to draw additional attention to myself.
I would really like it to be the first option (as Mike and Nick hints at). Although there is a desire to choose point 3.
Let's see what will happen next.
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Modern censorship?
August 26, 2022, 09:33:50 AM
Just received a third letter from the UK. Same. This cannot be an accident. And the hole looks too unnatural.
Members Discussion Forum / Re: Modern censorship?
August 20, 2022, 09:05:07 AM
Mike, hi!
Thank you for your opinion!
I would like to believe that these are coincidences.

Perhaps the goal is not to read (for this it was necessary to tear it to the end), but to check what exactly is contained in the envelope. For example, is there any currency or something else prohibited there.
Members Discussion Forum / Modern censorship?
August 19, 2022, 03:48:36 PM
Hello everyone!
I want to share the following situation. My friend from the UK sent me letters. Letters now go much longer than before the start of current events. When the first letter arrived, I was surprised to see that it was torn on one side. And I think it was a cut. There are no stamps or other marks that there was censorship. A second letter has just arrived. There are holes on both sides. In both cases, all the contents came completely, but the holes, in my opinion, cannot be an accident. In all the past years, I have never received such letters. Although I have repeatedly had metal objects in my letters - ships, piers, cranes, buildings at a scale of 1:1200 (I have a collection of a miniature military harbor), there have never been any holes or damage to the envelopes. Has anyone ever met this? How would you explain it?