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S.E.C.S. RAF Ceylon WW2

Started by Michael Dobbs, April 18, 2014, 12:31:16 AM

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Michael Dobbs

I have received an enquiry via our website regarding a relative of the enquirer who gave his address as S.E.C.S. RAF Ceylon and asking what do the initials S.E.C.S stand for.  These initials are clearly shown on two airgraphs sent to the UK by the RAF Corporal in 1944.

I have failed to identify these initials on my web searches - all that I have uncovered are two references on other discussion forums asking the same question (possibly from another family member).  I have asked someone who stated that they have been researching RAF/FAA stations and units in Ceylon 1939-58 but they had not heard of a unit with such initials.

Can anyone out there help me please ?

Thanks, Mike  ???

Peter Harvey

Hi Mike,

A couple of suggestions, it would have been good to know his trade, would have made things easier.

I have seem SECS used in relation to a WAAF who previously worked in a parachute packing section, so a guess would be Safety Equipment Checking/Clothing Section (I think this would have been survival equipment in WW2) or take out the E and I have School of Combat Survival (of which there were several) - any chance of seeing the airgraph?


Michael Dobbs

Peter and everyone

My apologies for the delay in responding - I've got a lot of outstanding work to go through and not nearly sufficient time.  However did I find time for work !!!

I have attached a scan of the airgraph as sent to me.  I did request a better copy but have not received it (the person making the enquiry did not own the airgraph - it was with another family member).  So this is the best I can do thus far.

Thanks, Mike  ;)

Michael Dobbs

Hi all

No further suggestions forthcoming on this - looks like I've stumped you all !!  But after all its not WW 1 or Naval !!

The only suggestion I can come up with is Servicing Echelon Communications Squadron RAF Ceylon.  There were Servicing Echelons and there were Communications Squadrons, but whether these phrases were combined to create a unit as part of RAF Ceylon I don't know !  There was an ACSEA Communications Unit in Ceylon by December 1946, whether this had an earlier title and a Servicing Echelon will require further investigation - possibly in an Operational Record Book at the National Archives.

Well another one to add to the list for my next visit !

Mike  ;D

Alan Baker

A Google search under SECS RAF Ceylon reveals several websites where people are asking the same question. There is a suggestion on one that "SECS" stands for "South Eastern Command S..." or South Eastern C... Squadron" and on another that there is a connection with an Experimental Signals Centre although the initials don't match

Michael Dobbs


Many thanks for your response - I, too, have seen these websites and indeed the person making the enquiry to the Society also makes reference to them and states that they could well be enquiries from another family member seeking the same information !

So, we appear to be going round in circles on the web  ??? - it means that I may well have to research the AIR class listing for RAF Ceylon when I next visit Kew.

Regards, Mike