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Lt H A Furness RNVR WW1

Started by Tony Walker, May 23, 2021, 01:32:04 PM

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Tony Walker

A simple question for those with all the naval records!

I have a PPC censored by Lt. H A Furness RNVR, dated with ARMY POST OFFICE / S10 on JA 28 16, which was at Dunkirk.

It would be particularly helpful if someone could tell me with whom Lt. Furness was serving at this time, in France


Frank Schofield


T/Sub Lieut Hector Albert Furness RNVR listed under 5 Sqn RNAS based at Dunkirk in Jan 1916

Hope of some use


Nick Colley

(Temporary) Sub Lt. H.A.Furniss (seniority 2/8/15) is listed as serving with the RNAS, Tony. That's from the Navy List of April 1916.


Oh, btw, re HMS Natal - see, for example, https://www.hmsnatal.co.uk/ 

Tony Walker

Thanks Frank and Nick - that puts him into the frame for the Armoured Car Squadron, which is great


Tony Walker

Hi Nick

I've been labouring under the misunderstanding Natal blew up in New York whilst repairs were being carried out following a very stormy passage from England.  Where I got all that from I don't know - but I've visited one of your links you gave, and she blew up in the Cromarty Firth.  A re-write is now required

Cheers and thanks