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Honour envelope language.

Started by celgood, June 29, 2016, 11:01:20 AM

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it seems that I am the latest member to join the society - so hello to all members. Can someone please help me with the language a honour envelope is printed in? Where normally the language used is printed, is unreadable due to very crude printing. One line of the instructions reads "tari nahin ho sakti". Are there any members out there who may recognise what language is being used? Thank you.
regards --- Chas


Hello all,
I am certain I put this request into the wrong section, sorry for that. I think I may have solved my own problem. If you put what is written into a translator as though it were written in English it fully translates into Urdu. All I surmise is that the envelope is designed for those who speak Urdu but can neither read or write the language but just speak it. Does that make sense ?
--- Chas

Michael Dobbs

Hello Chas and welcome to the Society

Yes, indeed you posted the topic in the wrong section, but I have now moved it.

Are you able to provide a date for your Honour envelope please - and more importantly the form imprint number (at the top) and the printing reference (at the bottom).

There are a number of publications which may assist - one such in my library is "Wartime Postal Stationery" Edited by John Daynes (Published by FPHS in 1986).  Now out of print, but we also have Peter Burrows as a member and a keen enthusiast of postal stationery.

Regards, Mike  :)


Hello Mike,
thank you very much for the reply, and I have taken the slap on the wrist. The date of the envelope is April 1943 and what looks like FPO 155 but this is poorly printed on the envelope. the form imprint number is not readable at all, very smudgy printing. The printing ref is M. P. & Co. G 1423- 17-11-41- 5,000,000.
I have looked into the history of Urdu - especially as it translated into Urdu perfectly, it would seem that the envelope may be written in Roman Urdu, introduced and used during the period of the RAJ, it was used and still is I believe by Indians who followed the Christian Religion.
The envelope is addressed to London for the Clarke family, so may be that this was the only Honour envelope available to the writer.
Thanks for the info on ref sources.
regards --- Chas

Michael Dobbs


Your honour envelope appears to be Daynes Type INH 6c stated to be in Roman Urdu.  The printing date is 17-11-41 (17 November 1941).

Regards, Mike


thank you for the follow up and information on the envelope type.
regards --- Chas