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AG6R War Office

Started by Jim Etherington, September 17, 2020, 09:32:11 AM

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Jim Etherington

Please can anyone shed any light on the A.G.6.R. / WAR OFFICE cachet. Presumably it was a branch of the War Office, but what was its function. This may help in explaining why this cover was initially redirected to the War Office (hidden under the paper attachment). Any other observations on this cover would also be appreciated.

Michael Dobbs


All I can say is that it is part of the Adjutant-General's Branch of the War Office.  I've tried to look online and it will require a very long and detailed search.  I don't know if any lists exist of the breakdown of the various War Office departments.  I hope someone else can come up with an answer!

Mike  :)

Jim Etherington

Thanks Mike.
Every bit of info helps.
I tried googling A.G.6.R. War Office but didn't come up with anything.

Frank Schofield

Jim & Mike

Surely the 'R' must stand for Records???

Frank Schofield

Jim Etherington

Hi Frank,
Thanks for your feedback, but what makes you think the 'R' stands for 'Records'?
Do you think the cover been sent to AG6R from Ascot in an attempt to find where Gilbert has been posted and would this account for the redirection to the BEF? Its journey is a little difficult to unravel particularly as there is no evidence that it was forwarded to France.

Frank Schofield


I think they are trying to trace the man, where better than Records???


Jim Etherington

Thanks Frank. You are probably right.

Peter Harvey


Might be worth asking Richard Berry this question. I am not sure what research he may have done, but he does have a small collection of war office material?



Jim Etherington

Thanks for the suggestion Peter.
I'll contact Richard.