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Registered Mail from smaller theatres

Started by Chris Grimshaw, September 19, 2021, 03:53:05 PM

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Chris Grimshaw


For completeness I plan on this major study to cover some of the smaller campaign areas.

Broadly working on K & C I plan to look at the following areas,

Ireland,  currently nothing registered seen.

China, two examples seen, any information welcomed. I have two different types.

Aden, East Africa,  Malta,  very little material seen and recorded.

I'd ask if anyone has material or information on these areas 1914 to 1929 to get in touch.

I also plan to look at Egypt and Palestine which looks like being complicated and may warrant a section on its own.

Following publication of Part I of this study a correspondent mentioned, "Well Done, as a collector of Military Mail I for one tend to overlook the Registration Label, its just there if required and concentrate on the rest of the cover, you've opened my eyes to a new aspect. I await further parts with interest." 

Dependent on interest and of course material I also plan to look at Naval Mails, 

Currently 'cut off' point is 1929 but in time would hope we could develop this project to encompass RAF Mails including UK Camps and WWII and after.  Once we get to WW II  and after its possible other students may be working quietly on something.

As per the society objectives, Study, Research and Publish. 
