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WWI Censorship Types 1 to 8

Started by Chris Grimshaw, October 17, 2022, 12:23:54 PM

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Chris Grimshaw

Afternoon Team,

Who's up for a challenge?

The late Frank Daniel did much good work on listing Type's 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 Censor handstamps.  There are a lot he'd never seen or only recorded by use at a FPO or APO.

For a few months now I've been engaded in recording all the Type 7 used in Salonika and subsequent Army of the Black Sea. J Slingsby did some work on these but only recorded what he could identify resulting in a lot of gaps in his published work even when examples were present in his material.

My approach is to scan an item saving in a word document recording all details on the same page about a particular number, this brings all information onto one page.  This work is progressing well.

I've now started to do the same for Type 2 and Type 3 of which I have  a lot of material.

This won't be a small project, I'd envisage 20,000 pages quite easily.  However this would give  as full a record as possible of all these handstamps.

Also should show when / if reallocated. Also possibly will pick up date extensions or add to our knowledge of cancels which are recorded as N.S.

'Mining' the internet on different sites throws up a considerable number.

Is there anyone who wishes to join me on this journey?, not a five minute job but in time something which would create a lasting record, far better than the current spreadsheet records we have now.


Alan Baker


I am also endeavouring to update Daniel, which has already taken me four years and a long way to go. There may be other members doing something similar.

The danger is that we are all expending time and energy on the same project and will end up with several versions of the same result.

Perhaps some coordination would be a good idea. I will email you about this later

Chris Grimshaw

Hi Alan

Will await your email. 


Graham Mark

Hello Chris
On spreadsheets I have lists of censor types 2, 3 and 7 in my Egypt and Palestine collection.
175 items of type2, 729 of 3 and 78 of type7, all with postmark date, destination and name/unit of the censoring officer (where legible). 
No pics but given time to complete current projects I could then make a start.
Within a database spreadsheet I believe it is possible to include a thumbnail of the cover.

Chris Grimshaw

Hello Graham

Thank you for your response

Since my original post I've decided to scan all the material I've accumulated over many years showing examples  of all information I have on Types 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - and 7

These will take all winter I feel but will be worth it.

Also 'mining' the internet gives some good examples.  I have some Type 6 but not started doing anything with it as yet Any volunteers?  Surprised how little Type 1 is around, I have  a few but very little on the internet. Type 7 in Egypt is also very elusive. Still have  a lot to add yet.  On type 5 am awaiting a bundle ex the packet which I've purchased from Ian.

Still working my way through the Island Bridge material.. Hope to get some of this research on the Forum soon.
