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WW2 Ireland PC22 and military censor handstamp

Started by Peter Gassmann, January 21, 2023, 04:40:55 PM

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Peter Gassmann

Dear All,

see attached item, with a British PC22 censor label and FPHS A2 military censor handstamp, on a cover from Belfast to Dublin.

The PC22 was in use on civil press mail from Oct 39 - Nov 40 (according to Morenweiser CCSG book).

Does anyone have explanations?

best wishes, Peter

Peter Harvey

Hello Peter,

Yes rather unusual this and I do not have the answer. I assume the sender must have been serving with the Army ,hence the initial censor 2525 as a Unit cachet. So you would then assume this would have gone to the Post office (Civil) for onwards delivery.

I would expect a PC90 (Belfast to Dublin) - but even with the PC22, there is no answer about why this is further tied with a Unit censor cachet 2424.

Hopefully someone else will answer?

Peter H

Chris Grimshaw

Hello Peter

With two different numbered unit censor hand-stamps perhaps that where the answer lies.

Does anyone have details of the units using these particular numbers?
