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2nd Suffolks 1914

Started by akennedy, May 20, 2014, 02:54:57 PM

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I hope some friends who are more adept than I am at digging out soldiers details and similar information can please help me.
Further to recent posts concerning the Suffolks,I would like to find a little info about: Corporal Albert Croft, who was with the regiment in area of GHQ St Omer in October 1914.
In particular I would like to know whether he arrived in France with the bn in August or if he was with later reinforcements. Also any later news of him.


Andrew Tott

Hi Alistair,
Not sure if this is your man but there is no other Croft for the Suffolk Regiment that I can see.
the only information I can find is for a Lance Corporal 8582 Albert William Croft Suffolk Regiment.
From his medal index card he went to France 15th August 1914 and is entitled to a 1914 Star British War Medal and Victory Medal and a Silver Wounded Badge No B337799.
From the Silver Wounded Badge register he is down as a L/Sergt 8582 Depot Suffolk and his date for enlistment is 15th August 1912 and was discharged from service 18th October 1919 aged 25.
I cant find any other details yet but will have another look.
Hope this helps Andy


This certainly appears to be my man.
Thanks very much.