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World War 1 occupation postage stamps

Started by Andrew Tott, October 16, 2016, 01:11:14 PM

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Andrew Tott

Not sure if this is the correct subject to be putting on this forum but they are military issue and I do have many covers for this subject.
Over the past few years of collecting WW1 British military covers I have also collected many covers from different European  countries with occupation stamps, I am now trying to put together a collection of occupation issue and military issue stamps.
I have done a list of countries I think issued stamps while in occupation also countries that issued military or fund raising stamps.
I don't want countries that issued war tax or war fund as I already have a collection of them.
if anyone has any other information or can point me in the direction of more information I would be very grateful

Alan Baker


I wish you luck! This looks a daunting field.

A few additions: Togoland, which was occupied by Britain and France and had stamps overprinted in both languages
Marshall Islands - overprinted GRI - see New Guinea in Part I (under Australia)
Cameroons - French occupation
Samoa - see under New Zealand

GEA - overprinted by Belgium (Belgian Congo stamps) and E Africa & Uganda Protectorates (part I)
IEF - Indian Expeditionary Force - in Africa and Middle East

NB Mozambique, Quelimane and Tete were Portuguese colonies and not occupied by Portugal during the war

A year or so ago, I started a small collection of German colonies and found an old edition of SG Part II (1949) listed the basic stamps in a much more useful way than the up to date catalogues.

Hope this helps
