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Forces issue registration envelope

Started by Ingo Egerlandt, December 03, 2016, 03:45:00 PM

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Ingo Egerlandt

Hello members,

my image is a RPF2, size G2 format RF12.

If you look in the GBPS book "Collect british postal stationary" from Alan Huggins ans Alan Baker on pages 111 and 113, you found two images and a list.

But, these envelope is not registred. Because, when you look on page 111 the image and my envelope, you see the different. On my envelope, you canĀ“t find the lines 4 and 5.

It is an error, a fake or a new item?

If you look at ebay, you find some more!

At last, I have never seen an used envelope from BEF 1939-1940. Who can send me a image or sold me one used item from France?


Reg Gleave

Hello Ingo,
I showed your email to Colin Baker, the co-author of the book. He lives about 500 metres away!  He could see nothing wrong or unusual with the envelope you show. He thinks it is the most common variety.
They are working on a new edition which should come out next year. He has given me a draft of the page covering these envelopes which I will send to you if it is of interest. The descriptions have been expanded to clarify points raised by collectors.
Best regards  Reg Gleave

Ingo Egerlandt

Hello Reg,

many thanks for your Information! It is very interesting! Please send me a copy of These page.
