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British Army Camp Postmarks used in WW1

Started by Andrew Tott, March 05, 2017, 12:37:52 PM

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Andrew Tott

can anyone help with information regarding British Army camp postmarks used in the Great War, I have looked on the net with not much luck.
what I am after is a list of army camp that were in use and there postmarks as I have a few cards that are for the same camp but with different style of postmarks.
Are there any publications that might show and list British Army camp postmarks, I know that most of the camp would have been used as training and holding camps.
I would like to try and put some collection together for British camps from WW1.
Many thanks for any help or information


Hi Andy,
I just asked a similar question - but regarding certain omissions in sources I already use. Of the ones I use, the best - and perhaps the only one - is Edward Proud's "History of the British Army Postal Service" vol. 2, 1903-1927. A new edition came out last year and can be obtained at [url=http://internationalpostalmuseum.com/]http://internationalpostalmuseum.com/[/url]. Proud just passed away about a month ago, so I don't know if that will affect availability of the book. It takes a little getting used to the layout of the materials, as the postmarks are segmented by type, so you may see the same unit or APO listed on different pages in relation to different pmks used by it.


Andrew Tott

Thanks for the reply , I have the Proud book and also the Kennedy and Crabb book but they don't list the camps, only in the (HD) Home Depot series but these are not what I am after.
I am looking for information regarding the army camps that were in use and there post marks for example I have cards for Clover Field Park Camp and for Press Heath Camp both camps were in Whitchurch and I have both single and double ring type postmarks dating from 1915 through to 1918.
I know that there was a publication done in the 1970s which I think was called Camp Postmarks of the United Kingdom by R.A.Kingston and was done by this society, but not sure if this covers what I am after, if anyone has a copy and might send me an image of one of its pages regarding ww1 army camps to see if this book would cover my requirements
Again many thanks

Frank Schofield


You need to find a copy of CAMP POSTMARKS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, by R.A.Kingston, published by the FPHS in 1971, the supplement was added in 1974 the Society Library might have one

Frank Schofield

Alan Baker

Just checked the Library list and we do have one. The new librarian is Richard Berry, who will be pleased to help, I am sure

Michael Dobbs

Good luck with your new collecting interests !

Please note that camp post offices in the UK are usually post offices operated by the General Post Office, whereas the Army and Field Post Offices, including those in the UK were operated by the Army Postal Service.

Kingston's book on Camp Postmarks is very old and out of date, but apart from one supplement there has never been a substantial update.  Nevertheless because of that it is the only basis from which to start.  There have, perhaps, been a few references to camp postmarks in the Journal (and its predecessor the Newsletter).  Other publications which may well help are:

"Skeleton Postmarks of England and Wales" Third Edition 2006 compiled by Patrick G Awcock and John R Frost and published by the British Postmark Society.  There have been 10 supplements issued since it was published (these consist of two or more pages each).  This would list skeleton camp postmarks.  This is [u]not[/u] held by the FPHS Library.

There is also "The Military Postal History of Ireland" by German member Heinz-Jurgen Kumpf and published in 2008.  This would list camp postmarks in Ireland.  This is also held in the Library.

Regards, Mike  :)

Frank Schofield


Don't forget COLLECT BRITISH POSTMARKS by FPHS member Bill Pipe, 9th Ed, published by SG in 2013, pages 319 - 324 carry a list of up to date prices for many camp cancellations

Frank Schofield

Andrew Tott

Many thanks for all the help and information, I had just ordered a copy of Camp Postmarks of the United Kingdom by Kingston and I have got a 1993 copy of Collecting British Postmarks I had forgot that they were listed in this publication, think it is time to buy a new copy.
Once again many thanks to all that replied with help