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When a RAF post office was opened in Sharjah?

Started by Khalid Omaira, January 12, 2012, 10:56:38 PM

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Khalid Omaira

EGYPT & IRAQ: In their book Dr. Nick Colley and Mr. W. Garrard states in page 39 about RAF censorship Type R11 the following:- "Sharjah: There is one recording of No. 484 in October 1944 with a 'Pays to Lend' Egyptian machine cancellation. It is on an AMLC datelined from RAF Sharjah. Clearly, this had been flown back to Egypt for onward transmission. Interestingly, this number has been recorded earlier between April and June 1943, from Libya". ((Colley, Nick & Garrard, W., Censorship in the Royal Air Force, 1918 to 1956, Chavril Press – Scotland, 1993, p 39.))

Thus, we understand that the postal service in RAF Sharjah were connected first via Egypt during early 1940s. But in late 1940s, the postal service in RAF Sharjah, came under the control of RAF in Iraq (RAF Habbaniyah – FPO 171 or RAF Shaibah – FPO 756).

BAHRAIN: In November 1949, FPO-518 had been established in Bahrain. In his book, Mr. Neil Donaldson states: "Once RAF Sharjah came under the administration of RAF Bahrain, this practice ceased and Services mail from Sharjah was sent to Bahrain on the thrice-a-fortnight Pembroke aircraft, and the 'Value Only' stamps were cancelled at Bahrain (F.P.O. 518).". ((Donaldson, Neil, The Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia and the Gulf, Harry Hayes – 1975, p200)). RAF Sharjah postal administration was moved from Iraq and came under the control of RAF Bahrain.

SHARJAH: In 1957, a new FPO cancel was established in RAF Sharjah this time. In the 'History of British Army Postal Service, Vol.III, p491', Mr. Edward B. Proud, confirms that "F.P.O. 936" is the first cancel that used in Sharjah during the period 3 January 1957 to 29 January 1961.

[color=red]Now, can I assume that the date: January 3rd, 1957, is the opening date of the RAF Sharjah post office? [/color]

Many thanks,

Khalid Omaira

Michael Dobbs


Post-WW2 postal services to the RAF overseas were provided by the Royal Engineers (Postal Section) and when a system of address indicator numbers was introduced in the Middle East in April 1946, RAF Bahrain was allocated the address indicator Middle East Air Force 20 (MEAF 20).  However, in 1951 it became MEAF 24 along with RAF Sharjah (the Post Office Circular of 17 January 1951 (as an amendment to Counter Compendium Postal Supplement No 6) refers).

In 1956 with the introduction of British Forces Post Office (BFPO) numbers Bahrain became BFPO 63 and Sharjah became BFPO 64.  These replaced the previous MEAF 24 address (Post Office Circular of 7 March 1956 (as an amendment to July 1955 Edition, Post Office Guide) refers).  A further mention in the Post Office Circular dated 21 March 1956 stated that telegrams could now be accepted for BFPO 64.

I would surmise that with the introduction of a separate address for Sharjah, especially stating that it could accept telegrams, would suggest that an actual British Forces Post Office was in operation there (as opposed to the BFPO indicator number being a mailing address only).  Therefore a datestamp would be in use as from 1956.  The recording in Proud's Volume III is a record of earliest and latest dates recorded from that location, not definitive opening and closing dates.  We are, therefore, looking for recordings of FPO 936 earlier than the earliest recording by Proud (of 3 January 1957).

As Proud states in his Preface (p.5) "Other dates, obtained from actual correspondence, etc, are given in brackets and therefore can probably be extended."

Regards, Mike  :)

Graham Mark

My father served as adjutant (I believe) at Sharjah in 1953.  I do not have any of his covers and I cannot remember the address I used when writing my weekly letter from school.  However when I next visit my mother (probably next week) I will see if she still has any covers from this period - most likely without the letters but possibly holding something like old photos.
Graham Markl

Khalid Omaira

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your valuable addition.

If a BFPO was in operation in Sharjah during March 1956 or before, then why mail from RAF Sharjah used to be sent & tied in RAF Bahrain? Please, see scans of attached cover. I will think if a BFPO was opened in Sharjah then a postmark should be assigned to be used from this new post office.

Do you think that the new BFPO should be opened not before or after the period 7 November 1956 to 3 January 1957?

Many thanks,



Front side: http://emiratespostalmuseum.com/shj/raf/shj551f.jpg
Back side: http://emiratespostalmuseum.com/shj/raf/shj551b.jpg

Khalid Omaira

Dear Graham,

Thank you very much for the message. I will be very much interested to see scans of such covers if possible! I note that usually the period before the year 1954 is a very difficult and a challenge to the area philatelists.

Best wishes,

Michael Dobbs


Thank you for the further information and illustration. 

I cannot really add to what I have stated - as yet there is no documentary evidence to support that either mail from Sharjah was sent to Bahrain for cancellation or when a BFPO was opened in Sharjah.  I feel that research at The National Archives (TNA) is necessary to look through any records relating to RAF Sharjah at that time (e.g. Operational Record Book) or possibly to see of there are Quarterly Historical Reports for the Army postal unit (not all Army QHRs have been kept and the unit may have been too small to have such a document).  There might be other units records which might assist (such as those relating to HQ 24 Independent Infantry Brigade) or even a reference in any form Middle East Command general routine orders.  This is something I will look into when I next go to TNA at Kew.

On the face of what you have shown me I would say that FPO 551 was used at Sharjah, but I could be wrong as that is only one cover - it is a case of collecting all individual recordings of mail from both Bahrain and Sharjah to see what patterns emerge.  It is, of course, possible that FPO 551 could have been used at both locations at the same time - in a dateatmp set there are usually two datestamps of the same number - one for use on the counter and the other for use in the sorting office to cancel mail.

I am at present keeping an open mind as to when an actual BFPO opened in Sharjah - I would like to see some documentary evidence to support to support one theory or the other !

Regards, Mike

Michael Dobbs


I am hoping to go to The National Archives on Tuesday and I have already searched the Catalogue for likely references.  Lets see what I can find (lets hope I can find something which supports one theory or another !).

I will report back !

Regards, Mike  ;)

Michael Dobbs

Just shows you how long it has been since I last ventured to The National Archives - my Reader's Ticket expired March 2011 !!

I will have to go through the process of re-newing my ticket and then ordering the required documents - good job Tuesday is a 7pm closing time !

Regards, Mike  ;D

Ian Muchall

I have two examples of covers with FPO 936. The first is dated 3 Jan 1957 with 2 1/2annas overprint and the other is dated 4 Aug 1958 with 2 x 9NP overprint both on GB stamps. The stamps would exclude Bahrain as these stamps were issued to Oman and other Trucial States. (Ironically Gibbons do not list Sharjah as using these!) Unfortunately the senders address is not on the reverse.
I will keep looking through my box of FPO's which is quite a challenge.

Michael Dobbs

To Khalid and others - my apologies for the long delay in responding.  I said back in January that I would visit the National Archives at Kew and I duly did, but I have been overwhelmed with Society work, collecting and further research (mainly at the Post Office Archives) on all matters affecting post-WW2 British Forces postal services (well that my excuse !).

I looked at the RAF Station Operational Record Book (RAF Form 540) for Sharjah (TNA reference AIR28/1417: January 1956 - December 1960) and whilst it did not answer the question everyone wants answering (i.e. when did the FPO open at RAF Sharjah) it did provide some useful information which I share below.

The strength of the Station as at 29 February 1956 was:

  OF   SNCOs   Cpls and below
RAF   3   17   61
TOL   18   89   4
KRRC   5   6   84

KRRC = The King's Royal Rifle Corps
TOL = Trucial Oman Levies; redesignated Trucial Oman Scouts with effect from 19 March 1956

The KRRC had all gone by the end of April 1956.  Two company's of The Gloucestershire Regiment (a total of 205 all ranks) arrived at the Station from Aden for an indefinite period with effect from 29 August 1956.  24th Independent Infantry Brigade HQ (consisting of 11 OF, 21 SNCOs and 170 Cpls and below) arrived by air on 20 November 1956.

On Saturday 20 April 1957 'B' Company, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) arrived by ship at Dubai and were transported by road to RAF Sharjah where they were stationed.  Their arrival had to be delayed by 10 days owing to the flooding at the Station earlier in the month.

In a letter dated 20 June 1959 the Station OC wrote to the effect that there were no RAF Forms 540 completed for the unit during the period September 1957 to July 1958 and that there was nothing to indicate the reason for this.

I now turn to the Quarterly Historical Reports for HQ 24th Independent Infantry Brigade contained in TNA document WO305/28.  The earliest report covers the period January 1957 to December 1958.  This shows dispositions as at 1 January 1957 as follows:

Brigade HQ - Sharjah
Tactical HQ - Bahrain
1st Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry - Aden
(The other two battalions were back in the UK at their permanent locations around Barnard Castle, County Durham)

Brigade HQ left Sharjah on 16 January 1957 and returned to its UK base at Deerbolt Camp, Barnard Castle in County Durham.

The cover you have illustrated (FPO 551 of NO 56) ties in well with known facts - the sender gives his address as being with a "sub unit" of HQ 24th Independent Infantry Brigade located in Sharjah and gives the correct address for Sharjah (BFPO 64).  I cannot make out the actual day from the scan, but hopefully it is after 20 November 1956 !

Is it coincidence that a new FPO recording for Sharjah (FPO 551) is recorded with the arrival of 24th Brigade ?  Did the Brigade bring its own Postal Unit or was a postal detachment supplied from Aden/Bahrain ?

It is not until June 1958 that there is a mention of a 24 Independent Infantry Brigade Postal Unit coming under command of the Brigade - that was when the Brigade moved from the UK to Kenya.  There is also a corresponding reference in the Home Postal Depot Historical Report file (TNA reference WO305/820) which covered the period 1 April 1958 - 31 March 1959 that 24 Independent Infantry Brigade Group Postal Unit had been formed at the Depot on 1 June 1958 for service in East Africa, Aden and East Africa again.  This seems to indicate that there was not a Brigade Postal Unit before June 1958.

As for datestamp FPO 551 there is a general recording for this datestamp during the period 10 SP 53 - 9 DE 56 for "BAHRAIN, MUSCAT & DUBAI MEAF 24 Sharjah".  This does need to be broken down.  

However, this does not bring us any closer to solving the puzzle !  

I am convinced (but with no evidence) that with the arrival of 24 Brigade HQ there would have been an FPO established and it is likely from the available evidence of FPO postmarked that this was provided by the Middle East postal service.  What we require is a complete breakdown of FPOs recorded from Sharjah during this period (with details of senders addresses) along with any recording from Bahrain (or other Middle East location) during the same period.  If there is a mix and match it is likely that mail was sent to Bahrain for cancelling, if not it is indicative of a Forces Post Office having been established at Sharjah.

My apologies for this long rambling and I hope I have not confused anyone (least of all myself), but I do hope that it proves useful.

Regards, Mike

Ian Muchall

Just for the record my example of FPO 551 was from a Sgt with return address RAF Bahrain Island, MEF 24 post mark date was 1 Apl 55.

Khalid Omaira

Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your time and your interesting and insightful points.

[quote author=Mike Dobbs link=topic=276.msg1297#msg1297 date=1335110886]The cover you have illustrated (FPO 551 of NO 56) ties in well with known facts - the sender gives his address as being with a "sub unit" of HQ 24th Independent Infantry Brigade located in Sharjah and gives the correct address for Sharjah (BFPO 64).  I cannot make out the actual day from the scan, but hopefully it is after 20 November 1956 ![/quote]

At the beginning I thought the cancellation reads 7 November 1956, but after another look it is 27 November 1956.

[quote author=Mike Dobbs link=topic=276.msg1297#msg1297 date=1335110886]Is it coincidence that a new FPO recording for Sharjah (FPO 551) is recorded with the arrival of 24th Brigade ?  Did the Brigade bring its own Postal Unit or was a postal detachment supplied from Aden/Bahrain ?

As for datestamp FPO 551 there is a general recording for this datestamp during the period 10 SP 53 - 9 DE 56 for "BAHRAIN, MUSCAT & DUBAI MEAF 24 Sharjah".  This does need to be broken down. [/quote]

I found the earliest use of FPO 941 in Bahrain is 10 December 1956, after one day from what recorded in Proud's book. Do you think this might proof that FPO 551 was in Bahrain before 10 December  1956? So, the theory of transferring FPO 551 to Sharjah with 24th Brigade might not strong.

[quote author=Mike Dobbs link=topic=276.msg1297#msg1297 date=1335110886]I am convinced (but with no evidence) that with the arrival of 24 Brigade HQ there would have been an FPO established and it is likely from the available evidence of FPO postmarked that this was provided by the Middle East postal service.  What we require is a complete breakdown of FPOs recorded from Sharjah during this period (with details of senders addresses) along with any recording from Bahrain (or other Middle East location) during the same period.  If there is a mix and match it is likely that mail was sent to Bahrain for cancelling, if not it is indicative of a Forces Post Office having been established at Sharjah.[/quote]

In my RAF Sharjah FPO 551 collection, I found 1 cover used in 1953, 4 in 1954, 1 in 1955, and 4 in 1956. I will list below the details of the 4 covers that used in 1956:

1. Date: 27 / 1 / 56; Address: 1234350 CPL SARSBY. DW, BILLET 39 RAF STN, SHARJAH, MEAF 24.
2. Date: 21 / 6 / 56; Address: Sgn. Fan. J. Wilhcain. Temp atl., R. A. F. Sharjah.
3. Date: 25 / 10 / 56 ; Address: 23283158 PTE A MARKS, I PLATOON A. COY., I GOSTERS, B. F. P. O. 64.
4. Date: 27 / 11 / 56 ; Address: 23136890 PTE  OGDEN, SUB UNITE, HQ 24 INDEP  INF  BDE, BAFPO 64

All the best,

Khalid Omaira

[quote author=Ian Muchall link=topic=276.msg1175#msg1175 date=1327420408]
I have two examples of covers with FPO 936. The first is dated 3 Jan 1957 with 2 1/2annas overprint and the other is dated 4 Aug 1958 with 2 x 9NP overprint both on GB stamps. The stamps would exclude Bahrain as these stamps were issued to Oman and other Trucial States. (Ironically Gibbons do not list Sharjah as using these!) Unfortunately the senders address is not on the reverse.
I will keep looking through my box of FPO's which is quite a challenge.

Hi Ian,

Thank you very much for the details. Recently, I bought a nice cover of FPO 936 with the same details but sadly it is lost!

All the best,