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Started by Chris Grimshaw, November 17, 2018, 01:23:21 PM

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Chris Grimshaw

Hi All

Does anyone have any research data on the RNAS, looking for details of the following chap,

Sub. Lieut. J.K. Becurd, Royal Naval Air Service,



Frank Schofield


Are you sure of this officers surname, cannot find him in any of my WW1 Navy Lists

Any other clues, dates etc?

Frank Schofield

Chris Grimshaw

Hi Frank

I attach details of the cover in question,


Frank Schofield


The officers name is Blandy
I checked the RNAS POW's listed in the January 1918 Navy List, using the clear initials G.K, and came up with the name Blandy
He is listed in the Cox & Co list of officer POW's under the Balkans (this includes Bulgaria) he was repatriated in October 1918
Hope of some use


Chris Grimshaw

Thanks Frank

You're a star.

Since found this mention of him



Chris Grimshaw

Will try again with the attachment