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Early envelope to France with military censor

Started by Ingo Egerlandt, December 17, 2017, 11:20:14 AM

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Ingo Egerlandt

Hi members,

you see a envelope from Sondrea Hants to Bourges, half time between Paris and Vichy. I identify the date 16th May 1939. This envelope censored by french military. But in this time was peace.

I mean, the date is an error. It must be 16th May 1940.

What you mean about this item?


Nick Colley

Hi, Ingo,

(Much) higher resolution scans might be helpful  - those you've posted are too low a resolution for us to see what we need to see  :-\

Sorry !


Nick Colley

Notwithstanding what I said a few minutes ago, I surmise the postmark probably reads Southsea? And you're right: if the date is in May, it must surely be 1940.


Ingo Egerlandt


yes,it is a bad picture! Bad quality, but when you see the original, it is 1939. I think, it is an error in the year. The black ink is very low, and hard to read. But I identify 1939. It must 1940..difficult.

On normal email, I can send a detail of stamps.
