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Mystery Salonika Incoming Cover

Started by Chris Grimshaw, December 12, 2020, 01:07:56 PM

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Chris Grimshaw

Afternoon Team

This one is frustrating me.

Incoming cover to Lt W G Slawson, 8th Leicester's, att 11th Worcester's, 78th Brigade, 26th Division, Salonika.  Brigade was on the Doiran Front from July 1916.  11th Battn Worcester's were part of 78th Brigade

Unclear cancel dated 26 Sept 16  (this is the one I cannot figure out) Top right hand corner of cover (front) shows trace of a circular cancel.  Stamp removed ???

Face of cover also shows FPO 78 cancel 13 Nov 16 which served 78th Brigade,  Here was probably endorsed "Try 12 Wort, Swanage Dorset  with initials in bottom left corner. In Purple  13over 11 in Green probably when received at FPO 78.

Not endorsed "On Active Service" or censored in any way.  No Postage Due markings reinforcing the view a stamp has been removed.

Reverse of cover shows a BASE ARMY POST OFFICE Z. dated 5 No 16.  An unclear Egyptian civil cancel in native script 6 pm visible and ALEXANDRIA 5 XI 16 11 AM

So posted from somewhere not UK or Western Front or would have gone direct to Salonika by sea.

Route through Egypt suggests  India, or Australia area. 

Thoughts, speculation or anything else appreciated.


Nick Colley

Brisbane 26th September 1916; any help?


Peter Harvey

Just used Retro Reveal which Howard mentioned on Zoom today. Certainly is Brisbane Queensland as attached


Chris Grimshaw

Nick / Peter

Thanks, Spot on.  Appreciated
