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FPO 58 Malaya 1942

Started by Susan McEwen, November 08, 2014, 10:30:09 AM

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Susan McEwen

Ted Proud's History of the Indian Army Post Office, Volume 3 1931 – 1947 records F.P.O. 58 as at Muar, Johore in January 1942, but lists it as 'Not Seen'

I have found, in my miscellaneous oddments, a tired tatty cover, from FPO 58 dated 19th Jan 1942.  This is after the last dated  entry  for this FPO in Proud, and before  the final withdrawl across the causeway.

Has anyone seen or recorded FPO 58 in Jan 1942?
I was about to put a query in the Malaya Study Group's journal, but thought  I  should ask here first.
Ted's book was published a long time ago, so has anyone any information please?

Michael Dobbs


I'm not an expert on India FPOs but Brigadier D S Virk in his book "Indian Army Post Offices, Locations and Movements, 1939-1947" (Published by FPHS, March 1973) (I think a lot earlier than Proud's volume !) which shows FPO 58 as:

Allocated to 9th Indivian Division
  Penang disembarked      16.4.41
  Mantin:                            Apr 41 - 10.1.42
  Captured at Singapore    14.2.42

I'm not sure if this is of any help, or merely serves to muddy the waters more !

Over to the experts !

Mike  ;D

Susan McEwen

Thanks Mike,
Mantin is in Negri Sembilan, north from Johore, and Virk's report  that  FPO 58 was there till 10th Jan fits in nicely with Muar being the next  stop on the journey south.

My cover being 19th Jan, the last troops crossed to Singapore on 31st Jan, it is probable  that FPO 58 crossed mid to late Jan.

It doesn't muddy the waters ! but  supports what  we know, so far.

If no-one here has seen another FPO 58  between 10th Jan and 14th Feb, I'll ask the Malaya Study Group.

Its a horribly tatty item, but could be it the sole example of  taht FPO in Johore  ::)

Nick Colley

Hi, Sue,

'Horribly tatty' sounds so perjorative, don't you think ? How about: 'a characterful item, reflecting the difficult conditions under which it was sent'.  :)

Also, it's a nice clear strike of the FPO, too, albeit a trifle light - err, I mean: gently struck.

A good find, though, especially if it's the only one known from Johore.


Susan McEwen

Nick ,
OK I'll find  a diplomatic term,  the FPO strike is quite clear except for the date which is very gently struck/ under inked, but an army in retreat and constantly  on the move in the tropics - did well to  get the post out at all.

I'll see if the Malaya Study Group have seen any examples of this FPO in Jan 42 !

thanks Susan


I have recorded (many years ago) dates 29 Jan 42 and 7 Feb42 -no details of censors or owners.